Indians Suffering More From Post Covid Lung Damage Study

Indians Suffering More From Post Covid Lung Damage Study

Who can forget the Covid-19 pandemic? But the most surprising thing is that even though the cases of Covid have reduced, even today its impact on people has not reduced. Recently, a research published by Christian Medical College, Vellore has made a surprising revelation regarding Covid. According to this research, even after recovering from Covid, most Indians are suffering from lung related diseases. In this study it was found that this figure is much higher than that of European and Chinese people. Indian lung function has suffered a lot due to Covid.

What did the study reveal?

It has also been revealed in this research that SARS-CoV-2 has had a very dangerous effect on the lungs. This study has been done on 207 individuals. This study was conducted during the first wave of the pandemic. It has also been published in PLOS Global Public Health Journal. Even after recovering from Covid, complete lung function test, six-minute walking test, blood test and complete account of lifestyle of the people involved in the research were kept.

Sensitive lung function test, called gas transfer (DLCO). It measures how long it takes for oxygen to enter the bloodstream while breathing air. It has been affected up to 44 percent. Which CMC doctors described as “very worrying”. Restrictive lung defect was found in 35% people. This has greatly affected breathing and inflating air in the lungs. In this study, negative impact was also seen on the quality of life test.

Why are Indians more affected than other countries?

Dr. DJ Christopher, Professor of the Department of Pulmonary Medicine, CMC, Vellore and Principal Investigator of this study, in a special conversation with Times of India, said that the condition of Indian patients is much worse than that of patients in other countries. If we compare them with the people of Europe and China, these figures are very bad. The problem of diabetes and BP among Indians is much higher than in other countries.

Dr. Salil Bendre, Head of Pulmonology at Nanavati Hospital, told TOI in a special conversation that after being admitted in critical condition, the patient recovers after oxygen support and steroid treatment. But if the infection increases, this disease damages the lungs up to 95 percent. Due to which it becomes weak by 4-5 percent.

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